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Mission Systole
Rue Egide Van Ophem 40c
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Strategy and purchasing media space.

Up to 2 million euro a year of media space purchasing… In order to be efficient in media strategy and space purchasing, you need representatives who are able to develop a marketing approach with a global vision of your issues, who will constantly monitor new media, take time to build a customised media plan and develop everyday relations with the sales reps of public companies. In short, extremely motivated representatives.

Building a media strategy means having a global vision of the various purchasing levers. A vision that will guide you and address all your strategic issues regarding visibility and reputation, generating traffic or acquisition and conversion. But it will also – and above all – help you build media plans in accordance with the developed designs.

In addition to conventional media, your representatives must be able to put in place, monitor and optimise the management of online advertising campaigns: Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, SEM, sponsored links, display, YouTube, search (SEO and SEA) and web analysis (Google Analytics, etc.). You will need representatives who are experienced in digital strategy and web culture.

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An attractive campaign can boost your communication as well as your sales!

Community Management

Community Management is therefore the best way to start a conversation which not only creates a community around a brand, product or service, but also brings traffic to the company website.


Whichever type of corporate event you’re organising – seminar, fair, trade show, stand, company day, evening party, product launch event,...

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital strategies, audits of your arrangements, new digital marketing campaigns, etc… We’ll rise to the challenge!

SoMe strategy

SoMe strategy

Social media strategy. Some brands want their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to gain visibility “everywhere”! But you need to...


The offline media remains a great asset in the world of communication. Your image deserves a powerful logo, a clear baseline and an attractive charter.
