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Cross-media Graphic Designer

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Cindy Forthomme

It’s for iPad? It’s for Cindy!

Cindy bump put the headphones on. When iPads were first introduced, they got the most attention.

The iPad is the territory of the digital publishing language. It is her calm nature that runs through the projects just like the regularity of a Swiss train. Cindy is a sponge. A sponge that absorbs all the latest technologies with ease, and knows how to overcome them to deliver great graphic experiences.

Drill demanding markets such as pharmaceutical communication, this fashionista and amateur electro never loses her creative milestones, never allows herself to get locked in.

Undaunted, she creates, adjusts, and corrects flexibly. Whatever she wants as the result, she will get it. Because in the end, that’s all that matters to her.

Cindy has a degree in Advertising. Her final study was based on a line of printed digital ballerinas. Her electro list on Spotify is one of the most followed ones by the studio. 

Cindy has a master in Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dink and the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.




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