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Mission Systole
Rue Egide Van Ophem 40c
1180 Brussels

T. : +32 2 761 23 00

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Graphic charter.

It should be possible for each of your company’s documents to be identified at first glance. Your company, your brand, should speak with one voice to all of its targets and create and draw up a graphic charter.

Your company’s visual identity must be clarified and explained in a charter that defines how to use your visual elements, aimed at both internal and external parties, especially those involved in graphics (graphic designer, etc.) and production (printers, etc.). Your graphic charter allows you to provide tools to visually communicate in a way that’s both consistent and powerful.

A graphic charter includes guidelines on using the logo, fonts (so as to allow for the creation of different levels of text), colour schemes (generally, the charter indicates the Pantone, CMJN and RVB values of each colour), guidelines on choosing images and illustrations, and other graphic elements that define your visual identity. It visually unifies the components of your brand.

There are many advantages to a graphic design charter: clarify the meaning of the graphic signs used, protect your identity and values, communicate as one (i.e. speak up), remain legible, facilitate reading and spotting items within documents, etc. Each new document published by your company in its graphic sphere must be part of its image-building.

The following elements should appear on your charter: print media (business cards, folders, posters, envelopes, headed paper, etc.), other physical media (signs, display windows, canvas, vehicles, presentation stands, T-shirts, etc.), digital media (PowerPoint presentations, videos, multimedia, websites, emails, etc.).

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