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Mission Systole
Rue Egide Van Ophem 40c
1180 Brussels

T. : +32 2 761 23 00

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Company values.

How can a business identify its true values and make sure they’re understood? What are the necessary steps to make them official and spread them? What are the principles required to rally one’s staff around these values and how does one keep them valid? Must one communicate about one’s values? Are there, or should you now integrate, social values in your corporate culture?

Companies can add meaning to their action and rally their staff around key values and sustained commitment. Shared, authentic and ethical values allow for the setting up of consistent policies and their effective implementation by tight-knit teams sharing the same feeling of belonging and pride.

Small or medium companies rarely develop their corporate values. Yet it’s an interesting and very inspiring exercise which will structure professional behaviour, decision-making and organisational changes, to name but a few.

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Whichever type of corporate event you’re organising – seminar, fair, trade show, stand, company day, evening party, product launch event,...



An attractive campaign can boost your communication as well as your sales!

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital strategies, audits of your arrangements, new digital marketing campaigns, etc… We’ll rise to the challenge!

Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing It is essential that you clarify your business’s current situation (its mission), the kind of situation you’re aiming...

SoMe strategy

SoMe strategy

Social media strategy. Some brands want their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to gain visibility “everywhere”! But you need to...

Community Management

Community Management is therefore the best way to start a conversation which not only creates a community around a brand, product or service, but also brings traffic to the company website.
